Sunday 22 May 2011

And finally

Sixers and Seconders Camp is all about giving the older cubs a bit more responsibility, allowing them to plan and run their own weekend. I try and pick a site which is appropriate to the particular group of kids, a local homely Scout Campsite is perfect for some groups of Sixers and Seconders where as in this case we were able to go a bit further a field and be more adventurous. Cornel is my all time favourite site, but being in the welsh mountains; we can only take groups that we know will be able to manage the changing conditions that this site often endures. When the wind and the rain arrived, this year’s group simply go on with what needed to be done; they were a very sociable, capable group and always in high spirits. I was confident that if conditions got a bit rough, this group would not be fazed by it and I am pleased to be able to say they proved me right. As well as the kids, I always try and pick a site that fits the leaders that will be going; Steve and Hickster are both very keen walkers and both qualified to take young people walking in the mountains - their knowledge and experience in helping young people safely enjoy this environment is invaluable. Along with Cheryl and Graham we had the perfect team for this weekend; I lost count of how many times they put the kid’s needs way before their own.

The Sixers and Seconders planned the food, menu, equipment list and activities – through out the weekend they were constantly tweaking things. It was their weekend and we wanted them to take ownership of it and be able to suggest and discuss how the weekend progressed. As leaders we were just making sure that what they were planning was appropriate, safe and with in the rules and guidelines of the scout association.

Thank you to Steve, Hockster, Cheryl and Graham for your support and making the weekend possible and thank you to all of this year’s Sixers and Seconders for a great weekend.

Hot chocolates all round

Currently having a warm drink overlooking the ski slope before heading
back to the cars for the journey home.

Lunch in Llandudno

The great pickup - 2

The great pickup - 1

Gale force winds - 3

Gale force winds - 2

This was one of the leaders tents in the morning!

Gale force winds - 1

A night of wind and rain

We returned to site last night and were welcomed by gale force winds
and driving rain.

After a warm drink and piece of cake the kids went to bed early
(10am). With in 10 minutes all the kids were tucked up in warm dry
sleeping bags and tents - my leaders sadly were soaked to the skin
after going round making sure all the tents were suitably pegged and
guyed to get the kids through the night. They also stayed up for a
further hour (still soaked and wind swept) to make sure all the kids
were safely fast asleep - my leaders have been amazing this weekend
and have repeatedly put the kids before themselves.

It is thanks to the good quality equipment that the 35th buy that the
cubs had a safe, warm dry night - unlike some of the leaders. This
morning has been dry but still very windy, which made the packing up
good fun.

We're all packed up now and enjoying a wind swept lunch on the great
orme in Llandudno.